CARRIE B. DOHE, Ph.D. Project Research Associate Department of the Study of Religions, Institute for the Comparative Study of Culture Philipps University Marburg Landgraf Philipp St. 4, 35032 Marburg, Germany
CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECT Independent Research Project Grant, German Research Foundation, DO 2108/1-1
Project Title and Abstract Stewards of Creation and Children of Mother-Earth Bodhisattva: A Comparative Analysis of Religious Environmentalist Ethics and Action among Religion-Specific Groups and their Interreligious Networks in Germany Anthropogenic climate change and planetary resource depletion are major crises facing humanity today. Given these problems’ global scope, ever more people seek to contribute to their solutions, including religious actors. The incorporation of environmental sustainability into religious discourse and practice raises important scholarly questions about how these issues are both transforming religious teachings and practices, and creating new interreligious exchanges. Despite much excellent research on these topics, only one study has thus far considered an aspect of religiously-motivated environmentalism in Germany. Yet Germany offers a rich field of study for this topic, due to its Green politics, the multiple attempts of the federal government to promote nature conservation and sustainability through religious communities, and Germany’s anxiety about having become a land of immigration. Against this backdrop, this study uses document analysis, semi-structured interviews and participant observation to examine religion-specific environmentalist groups that interact in various interreligious initiatives. This project seeks first to contribute to our understanding of the larger cultural, social and political forces that contribute to environmentalism as a dynamic factor of religious transformation within Germany. It then studies how the exchange of ideas in environmentalist-focused interreligious networking modifies the teachings and practices in the specific religions involved. Finally, by focusing on interreligious environmentalist dialog and the initiatives of individuals to create a sustainable society, the project considers the potentials and limitations for religious environmentalism’s contributions to civil society more generally.
EDUCATION The University of Chicago Divinity School June 2012 Doctor of Philosophy in the History of Religions
The University of Chicago Divinity School June 1999 Master of Arts in Religious Studies
San Francisco State University June 1993 Bachelor of Arts, “Feminist Theory and the Creative Arts”: magna cum laude
Dissertation Title and Abstract The Wandering Archetype: C. G. Jung’s ‘Wotan’ and Germanic-Aryan Myth and Ideology This dissertation uses discourse analysis and historical research to investigate how the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung incorporated Germanic-Aryan ideology and colonialist discourse into his religiously-inflected psychological theory. Through theorizing a Germanic-specific archetype and a stratified collective unconscious differentiated along racial and religious lines, Jung simultaneously biologized and spiritualized political relations between human collectivities. His theory is employed today by members of racist and “ethnic” Norse paganism (Ásatrú), who assert that religious and cultural heritage is biologically inherited, a claim used to justify calls for racial segregation. The study contributes to our understanding of how scientific discourses may be deployed to justify contentious political and social claims.
GRANTS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS 2017- 2020 German Research Foundation, Independent Research Project 2009-10 Wilder Fellowship (for research in Jungian studies), University of Chicago Divinity School Fall 2009 German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD) Short-Term Research Grant 2008-09 B. A. Program in Religious Studies, self-designed course chosen for Martin Marty Center Junior Fellowship 2008-09 Martin Marty Center Junior Fellowship 2007-08 German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD) Dissertation Research Grant Sum. 2005 Foreign Language Enhancement Program (FLEP) Award Sum. 2005 Scandinavian Studies Grant, University of Chicago Humanities Department 1997-2001 Full Tuition Scholarship, University of Chicago Divinity School
PUBLICATIONS Book 2016. Jung‘s Wandering Archetype: Race and Religion in Analytical Psychology. Routledge.
Dissertation 2012. The Wandering Archetype: C. G. Jung’s “Wotan” and Germanic-Aryan Myth and Ideology. UMI Dissertation Publishing (
Articles Submitted. “What does religion have to do with nature conservation?” Investigating the tensions in an interreligious nature conservation project in Germany. In: Koehrsen, J., Blanc, J. and Huber, F., eds. Religious Environmentalism: A Field of Tensions. Religions’ Empirical Roles in Climate and Environmental Change. A book project of the University of Basel Center for Religion, Economy and Politics (ZRWP), to be submitted to Routledge in 2020. 2015. “Analytical Psychology as Modern Revelation: C. G. Jung between Master and Scientist.” In: The Master-Disciple Relationship in Interdisclinary Discourse. Weimar: VDG.
2011. “Wotan and the ‚archetypal Ergriffenheit‘: Mystical Union, National Spiritual Rebirth and Culture-Creating Capacity in C. G. Jung’s ‘Wotan’ Essay.” In: History of European Ideas 37(3): 344-356.
1998. “God and Grad Students Descend on Texas: A Field Report on the Chen Tao,” with R. Cook, D. Daschke, und M. Goff. In: Millennial Prophecy Report 7(2).
Book Reviews 2017. Voices from Religions for Sustainable Development. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture 11 (2).
2005. Gods of the Blood: The Pagan Revival and White Separatism by Mattias Gardell. In: The Journal of Religion 85(4).
Other 2003. “Neo-paganism” and “Protestant, Catholic, Jew: An Essay in American Religious Sociology.” In: The Encyclopedia of American Religion and Politics. New York: Facts on File.
Events Organizer Sept. 8-17, 2019 Interreligious Week of Nature Conservation in Cologne und Environs. Twenty-five events in ten days at multiple sites in Cologne, Bonn and Hambach Forest.
Sept. 2-9, 2018 Interreligious Week of Nature Conservation in Cologne und Environs. Thirteen events in eight days at multiple sites in Cologne.
Apr. 21, 2018 Bees for Peace: Action to build raised beds as feeding sites for bees at religious communities. Cologne Youth Work Center, Cologne.
Conference Organizer Sept. 6, 2018 Bees and Honey in Religions and in Our Contemporary World: An Interdisciplinary Conference. Melanchthon Academy, Cologne, Germany
Panel Organizer Sept. 12, 2019 Between the End of the World and Global Conversion: The Religious Aspects of Peace and Violence in the Conservation of Nature. An Interdisciplinary conference (humanities and social sciences). Melanchthon Academy, Cologne.
Aug. 25, 2015 The Environmentalist Turn in Religions. Part 1: Religious Communities in Society: Adaptation and Transformation. Part 2: Practices and Discourses: Innovation and Tradition. Chair, Double Panel, Twentieth-First World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Erfurt.
Invited Lectures Oct. 16, 2019 “Was hat Religion mit Naturschutz zu tun?” Interreligiöse Kooperation zum Naturschutz in Deutschland. Public lecture, Religion am Mittwoch lecture series, Philipps University of Marburg, Department of the Study of Religions.
June 28, 2018 “Religionen die Natur zusammen schützen? Städtische interreligiöse Zusammenarbeit für Naturschutz in Deutschland.“ Munster University of Applied Sciences, Dept. of Food-Nutrition-FacilitiesMay 19, 2017 Plenary: “Solar Panels on Churches and Mosques: Signs of the Greening of Religions in Germany?” Faith Communities in Environmental Activism Conference, University of Edinburgh.
June 3, 2015 “‘Wir haben einen echten Barbaren in uns’: C.G. Jungs religionspsychologische Überlegungen zu primitiven Religionen.” Public lecture, Religion am Mittwoch lecture series, Philipps University Marburg, Department of the Study of Religons.
Nov. 11, 2011 “The Concept of Mana in the Analytical Psychological Theory of C. G. Jung,” guest lecture for Dr. Nicolas Meylan’s course on Construction, usages et destins d’une catégorie en histoire des religions: le mana, the University of Geneva.
June 24, 2008 “C. G. Jung’s ‘Wotan’”, classroom discussion for Dr. Katja Triplett’s July 1, 2008 Hermeneutik Seminar, Philipps University Marburg.
Feb. 14, 2001 “The Mythopoetic Men’s Movement,” guest lecture for Dr. Joachim Kersten’s class on “Masculinities,” Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Conference Presentations
Sept. 12, 2019 Auf dem Weg nach Katowice: Überlegungen zu Religion und Nachhaltigkeit auf dem Pilgerweg fürKlimagerechtigkeit. Between the End of the World and Global Conversion: The Religious Aspects of Peace and Violence in the Conservation of Nature Conference. Melanchthon Academy, Cologne.
June 26, 2019 On the Road to Katowice: Reflecting on Religion and Sustainability through the Pilgrimage for Climate Justice.European Association for the Study of Religions, Tartu.
June 14, 2019 Religions Saving Nature Together? Urban Interreligious Cooperation on Nature Conservation in Cologne. Report on Survey Results. International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture Conference, Cork.
May 24, 2019 What Does Religion Have to Do with Protecting Nature? Cooperation and Conflict in an Interreligious Endeavor to Preserve Nature in Germany. Religious Environmentalism: A Field of Tensions Interdisciplinary Conference, Basel.
June 18, 2018 “Green Roosters and Solar Crosses: The Greening of German Protestant Christianity.” European Association for the Study of Religions, Bern.
June 17, 2018 “Religions Saving Nature Together? Urban interreligious cooperation on nature conservation in Germany.” European Association for the Study of Religions, Bern.
May 19, 2017 “Interreligious Initiatives for the Environment in and beyond Germany.” Faith Communities in Environmental Activism Conference, University of Edinburgh.
Aug. 25, 2015 “Saving Nature Together? Nature Conservancy and Interreligious Cooperation and Conflict in Germany.” Twentieth-First World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Erfurt.
Aug. 24, 2015 “A Tale of Two Primitives: The Role and Limitations of Transnational Encounters in the Development of Carl Jung’s Psychological Theory.” Twentieth-First World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Erfurt.
July 31, 2013 “A ‘Psychotherapy of German Descent:’ Racial, Religious and Gendered Ideologies in Carl Jung’s Biologized Theory of Analytical Psychology,” presentation at the 2013 Annual Conference for the European Society for the History of Human Sciences.
Nov. 20, 2011 “Jungian Archetypes, Metagenetics, and Kennewick Man: Scientific Discourses and Racial Theory in American Folkish Asatru,” presentation at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion: Strategies of Legitimation in New Religions Session.
Nov. 18, 2011 “From Infantile Psychological States to the Source of Rejuvenation: Diverging Theories of Race, Religion and the ‘Primitive’ in the Works of Freud and Jung,” presentation at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion: Psychology, Culture, and Religion Group Pre-Session.
Aug. 19, 2010 “Archaic Man, Modern Masses, and the Instinctual Passion for the Inner Divinity: A Post-Colonial Reading of C. G. Jung’s Concept of Primitivity,” presentation at the Twentieth World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions.
April 24, 2010 “Analytical Psychology as Modern Revelation: C. G. Jung between Master and Scientist,” presentation at the “Master-Disciple Relationship in Interdisciplinary Discourse” Workshop at the Free University of Berlin.
April 4, 2009 “To Fall into the Hands of a Living God: C. G. Jung’s ‘Wotan’ as Tragedy,” presentation at the 2009 Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Academy of Religion.
April 1998 Panel presentation on research trip to Garland, Texas, for research on the Chen Tao religious group, Millennium Watch 2000 Annual Conference, the University of Chicago Divinity School.
Workshop Presentations May 18, 2018 “Overview of Religiously-motivated Environmental Movements in Germany.” ZIR Research Workshop. Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Religion, Philipps University Marburg.
May 1, 2015 “Solaranlagen auf den Dächern Religiöser Gebäude. Ausdruck einer Ökologischen Wende in Religionen in Deutschland?” First research workshop of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Religion, Philipps University Marburg.
Mar. 8, 2005 “The Hermaphroditic Swastika: Ancient Rome and the Imperial Übermensch as Cultural Critique of Modern Germany in Alfred Schuler’s ‘The Essence of the Eternal City,’” paper presented to the Center for Gender Studies Graduate Students’ Gender and Sexuality Workshop, the University of Chicago.
OTHER INVITED TALKS Oct. 17, 2019 Report on the Interreligious Week for Nature Conservation in Cologne and Environs 2019. Dialogforum “Die Natur feiern - Religiöse Feste und Naturschutz,” Mainz.
Sept. 13, 2019 Podium discussion on religion and nature conservation, DITIB Central Mosque, Cologne. The sermon on Islam and nature conservation was held in over 900 DITIB mosque communities in Germany as part of the Interreligious Week for Nature Conservation in Cologne and Environs.
Sept. 4, 2018 Podium discussion, “Religionen und Naturschutz – Selbstverständnis und Potentiale,” Domforum of the Archbishopric, Cologne.
Nov. 9, 2017 Insights regarding the first “Religious Week for Nature Conservation in Darmstadt,” Dialog Forum on “Religionen für biologische Diversität”, Frankfurt am Main.
April 10, 2015 Invitation to the German Islam Forum to discuss the first Dialog Forum on “Religionen für biologische Diversität” in Bonn, Feb. 2015. The discussion resulted in the decision of the German Islam Forum to support and undersign the Joint Declaration on Religions for Biological Diversity.
Sept. 7, 2017 Interreligious discussion of Laudato Si, providing insights from Buddhism, St. Elisabeth’s Church, Darmstadt. MEDIA APPEARANCES Sept. 9, 2019 Interview with Domradio, the radio program of the Archbishopric of Cologne. Topic: The Interreligious Week of Nature Conservation in Cologne and its Environs 2019.
Dec. 17, 2017 Interview with “Himmel und Erde,” the radio program of the Melanchthon Academy in Cologne. Topic: The Interreligious Week of Nature Conservation in Cologne and its Environs 2018.
July 16, 2012 “Umweltschutz ist religiöses Anliegen.” Article in the newspaper Oberhessische Presse on an interreligious panel discussion on environmentalism in my summer semester seminar on “Religion and Ecology” at the Philipps University of Marburg.
Professional Presentations at Conferences and in the Academic World
Writing and Publishing Research Articles in English
Successful Postdoc and Academic Applications Abroad
Getting to “Done”: Time Management for Doctoral Students
Reading and Study Skills in English for Master and Doctoral Students
University of Marburg Dept. for the Study of Religions
SoSo 2020 Lecturer, Religion und Umweltschutz in Deutschland (upcoming) Upper-division block seminar. Full responsibility for design, instruction and grading.
SoSe 2015 Lecturer, Selbst- und Fremdbilder in der Religionswissenschaft: Zeitgenössische Theorie in Anwendung auf Freud und Jung. Upper-division weekly seminar. Full responsibility for all design, instruction and grading. Held in German.
SoSe 2015 Lecturer, Die ökologische Wende in Religionen in und außerhalb Deutschlands: Anpassung, Verwandlung, Innovation und Tradition. Upper-division weekly seminar. Full responsibility for all design, instruction and grading. Held in German.
SoSe 2013 Lecturer, Religion, Nature, and Environment Upper-division weekly seminar. Full responsibility for all design, instruction and grading.
SoSe 2013 Lecturer, Religion, Nature, and Environment Upper-division weekly seminar. Full responsibility for all design, instruction and grading.
SoSe 2012 Lecturer, Religion and Ecology Upper-division weekly seminar. Full responsibility for all design, instruction and grading.
WiSe 11/12 Lecturer, Germanic Myth and Ideology in Theory, Scholarship and Religion Upper-division block seminar. Full responsibility for all design, instruction and grading.
SoSe 2011 Discussion Facilitator, Die Ausformungen des schiitischen Islam und Religionen des Vorderen Orients Led discussion group for international students attending the seminar on Shia Islam by Prof. Ursula Spuler-Stegemann.
WiSe 10/11 Lecturer, Comparative Religion and Contemporary Theory: Selected Texts Upper-division weekly seminar. Full responsibility for all design, instruction and grading.
WiSe 10/11 Discussion Facilitator, Ring Lecture Series on Religion and Humor Led discussion group and graded papers for international students in the Ring Lecture series. Grading in consultation with Prof. Dr. Edith Franke.
SoSe 2010 Lecturer, C. G. Jung and Emerging Spiritualities in the West Upper-division block seminar. Full responsibility for all design, instruction and grading.
Philipps University of Marburg University Language Center 2012 - 2015 English Instructor, University Language Center.
The University of Chicago Divinity School The University of Chicago German Language Dept.
Spring 2009 Lecturer, C. G. Jung, the Science of Religion, and New Religious Movements Special course included in the B.A. Program in Religious Studies. Full responsibility for all design, instruction and grading.
The University of Chicago German Language Dept.
2008-2009 Instructor, German 101, 102, 103 Taught undergraduate language course with syllabus provided by the German Language Program. Held responsibility in consultation with Dr. Catherine Baumann and colleagues for instruction and grading of my section.
Fall 2005 Teacher Assistant, Introduction to Religion and the Human Sciences Led discussion group and graded papers for Profs. Martin Riesebrodt and Malika Zeghal in master’s level religious studies class.
Feb. 2019 Grounded Theory, 16 TS, Gießen Methods Workshop, University of Gießen 2012-2015 Guest researcher, University of Marburg Dept. of the Study of Religions Feb. 2014 Diskursanalyse, 5 TS, Gießener Methoden-Werkstatt, University of Gieß Feb. 2014 Fragenbogenentwicklung, 16 TS, Gießener Methoden-Werkstatt, University of Gießen Nov. 2013 Qualitative Forschungsmethodik als “Methodik der Wahl”, 16 TS, University of Marburg Sum. 2009 Seminar on Teaching Portfolios, 4 TS, University of Chicago Spring 2009 Seminar on Course Design, 4 TS, University of Chicago Fall 2008 Two-Day Workshop on Teaching in the College, 16 TS, University of Chicago June 2008 Arbeitskreis für Theorie und Methodologie in der Religionswissenschaft, University of Marburg Fall 2007 Pedagogy Course on the Acquisition and Teaching of German, 45 TS, University of Chicago
University of Marburg Fall 2010 Translator, Website and Museum Curatorial Information, The Department of the Study of Religions and the Museum of Religions.
The University of Chicago Spring 2005 Coordinator, Big Problems / Capstone Project Lecture Series, Franke Institute for the Humanities. 2000-2001 Coordinator, Late Liberalism Project “Violence and Redemption” Conference, Center for Gender Studies. 1997-2000 Manager, Publications, Calendar and Web Site, Divinity School.
INSTITUTIONAL-BASED SERVICE Sum. 2010 Author of Sexual Harassment Policy for the International Association for the History of Religions. 2005-2006 Coordinator of Dissertation Writing Support Group, University of Chicago Center for Gender Studies.
OTHER RELEVANT SERVICE Sum. 2018- Co-founder and President of Tomorrow e.V. – Interfaith Cooperation for Sustainability ( Since 2016 Earth Charter Ambassador
Deutsche Vereinigung für Religionswissenschaft (DVRW)
European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR)
European Forum for the Study of Religion and the Environment
International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR)
International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR)
International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture (ISSRNC)
Committee for the Project on Religions for Biological Diversity of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation